Sunday, February 10, 2013

Metro hot-handedness

On Friday afternoon while I was at my desk working on a project, I realized how painfully tight my neck and shoulder muscles were. It had been a very busy week, and with my training, class and unexpected projects, the tension had settled in and boy was it painful.

Not for long.

I had a small window of opportunity on Friday between getting off of work and plans I had, so I decided to call a local spa to see if they had any openings. I really didn't think I'd be successful - but kept my fingers crossed that they'd have something.

Yup they did, from 5:30 - 6:00.

Bam. Done. Booked it.

The spa is called Metro, and it's on 1st Capital just off of Main Street in St. Chuck. My appointment was with RC. I found parking, and walked into a very small space, which looked to be in the middle of renovations.

A strapping gentleman with a beaming smile and tangible charisma walked into the foyer from the back hallway and asked if I was Kristin. He then introduced himself as RC and that he'd be handling my massage that day.

Find and dandy by me.

He handed me a menu, and asked me to choose music I'd like to listen to whilst getting rubbed down.

The choices were, in a word, fantastic. Really. Tori Amos, Mazzy Star, Portishead were just a few of the tantalizing picks. Did they sneak a peek at my college playlist? Uncanny. I settled on Dead Can Dance "Spirit Chaser", one of my favorite albums of all time.

The massage room  was cozy, warm and smelled very fainlty of something minty. Turned out it was the massage oil they use...Aveda something or other.

The massage itself was more than I could've hoped for. He focused on my lower back, upper back, shoulders and neck. He was working out the knots with easy pressure, and when he'd move on to another area, I felt such relief in the spots he had just manipulated. His hands were large, but not rough. He'd also warmed them up, as well as the table, so the entire experience was like a giant, warm hug.

When my eyes weren't closed, I had a good view of his shoes. Very large, handsome leather slip-ons. Perhaps Earth, Ecco or some other earthy-crunchy label. Probably good for someone who's on their feet all day.

He finished off by pulling a hot, wet towel out of the towel warmer and draping it across my back, where he pressed down with his hands and slowly slipped it off.


I have to say, for a last-minute quicky massage, it surpassed my expectations.

Go see RC at Metro. You won't be disappointed. Tell him Kristin Hall sent you.

Below is my favorite song from Spiritchaser.

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