Sunday, May 19, 2013

Weekend Recap

The triathlon was wonderful, despite the lakewater incident.

Having my buddy Peter there, talking me through the swim, giving me tips, helped tremendously. Once we took a look at the lake, it no longer felt threatening.

I met more members of the tri club, all very welcoming and encouraging.

The weather on Saturday was gorgeous - warm, overcast, low humidity.

The course was flat and well-marked. The volunteers cheerful and helpful.

Really, aside from the stomach thing, it was perfect.

I am excited for my next race, and to really kick up the training, specifically swimming and running,  beginning tomorrow.

I also got to see dear friends on this race weekend. What's so wonderful about our friendship is that we can pick up after nine (can you believe it?) years and not skip a beat.

There are people who you call friends, and there are people that, when you think about them, literally warm your heart. These are the warm-your-heart kind of people.

What made it even more special was that I got to see their family members also, all very kind, fun folks. It was a reunion of sorts, due to my friend Robby's birthday, and it was such an unexpected surprise. Spending hours with these funny, loving people was exactly what I needed.

I need to see these people more often. I mean that. I am planning on going back in July, if they'll have me. :-)

Couldn't have asked for a better weekend. Dwelling on a minor mishap won't do any good. I'd rather focus on what's ahead, and the inspiration I can take with me as I continue to bust ass for future races.

That's right. Bust ass.

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