Thursday, August 18, 2011

Zero tolerance for effing up my movie-going experience

My favorite theater in St. Louis is the Tivoli, for the following reasons:

1. It's fancy, and everyone could use a bit of fancy every once in awhile in their lives.

2. It plays the more obscure movies that usually aren't formulaic, might have subtitles, and could very well inspire you to change professions, partners, or your hair color.

3. It is in a hip/cool/swank part of town, so when you're done with the movie you can turn left or right and experience tasty Thai, Chinese, Middle Eastern, Mexican, Greek, pub or street fare.

My second favorite movie theater is the Hi-Pointe, mostly because I feel like I'm seeing a move back in the 60's. The chairs are squishy/comfy, you purchase tix outside which throwback-cool, and the testy canine that frequents the lobby makes me laugh and cower at the same time.

My third favorite movie theater is the Plaza Frontenac, mostly because of the films - foreign, off-beat, political. And I do like window shopping for outrageously expensive fountain pens and cufflinks.

But If I go mainstream, it's gotta be an AMC theater. They feel newer, cleaner, and have better popcorn than the Wehrenberg theaters.

And now, I just received some news which might make me dump my longstanding AMC and hook up with the competition.

Apparently, Wehrenberg now has a "zero tolerance" cell phone policy in their theaters.

I. Love. This. LOVE IT.

I am easily distracted. Always have been. Bird, blue sky, beep-beep kind of distracted. It's a wonder I haven't driven off a bridge or fallen into an open manhole.

And when I'm at the movies and I see a bright light flickering out of the corner of my eye, my eyes wander...away from the screen...and I lose precious plot points, dialogue and time.

The culprit of said flickering light is usually a misanthropic Gen Y'er or Bieber-haired Millenial who cannot be without some form of digital communication for over five minutes, lest their heads explode from missing out on a perfectly-placed, smiley-faced icon or an OMG.

Pisses me off to no end.

I once had to sit behind a lady who USED HER CELL PHONE LIGHT TO KNIT WHILE SHE WAS AT THE MOVIES. WTH?? Almost slapped the baby blue off of her Coldwater Creek cardigan.

Will I give up the cleanliness, newness and tasty, buttered carbs of the delightful AMC establishments to sit in a musty, old, weatherbeaten Wehrenberg theater which promises no distractions?

Why, yes. Yes I will.

Until AMC gets on board, you can find me at the Wehrenberg Des Peres getting my distraction-free, sucky-popcorn film-going experience on.

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