Wednesday, March 6, 2013

I have a crush on Haim...

There's a song called "Forever" by the band Haim that's about to suffer overexposure on Siruis XM, but I don't care.

These girls are fabulous. The band features two sisters and some other girl. The song has a good beat and you can dance to it. And now that I've seen the video, I'm intrigued, so very intrigued, because the mature, polished voice doesn't match the package it comes in WHATSOEVER - a shoegazer/goth/indie waif, distant cousin to Legolas the elf from LOTR who doesn't look much older than 18.

But then, I can say the same thing about Fiona Apple back in the day.

So, when I first heard the song it reminded me of about a dozen songs from my childhood. 80's New Wave, pop, and dance hits. And it takes me back to that time in my life, when life was all about music and sock hops and cruising main and crushing on boys and sleep overs and all that really good kid stuff.

Here is "Forever"

And here is Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam's "Head To Toe"...kinda similar beat:

Haim's sound is like a conglomeration of Rick Astley beats,  Everything But The Girl, with a Gloriea Estefan Latin twist thrown in to spice it up. And yet, it's also singularly unique and yummy. I have to say, they've grown on me.

The lead singer is fun to watch as she chews and snarls out her words with such an elegant voice. She's ariddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma. I might have a girl crush.

Here's another one, super catchy, and the lead singer's look in this one reminds me of Patti Smith...and Mayim Bialik...and Liv Tyler. Oh, and I love that they have awkward-yet-cool-lazy-looking choregraphy. Cracks me up! I am sure they did it themselves, because these ladies are obviously multitalented.

I bet they use Prell shampoo and wear anklet socks with pom poms and rollerskate on the weekends at an actual rink that spins records like J. Geils Band and Supertramp.

So damn rad.

I want Haim to play at my birthday party. :-)

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