Friday, March 15, 2013

That which does not destroy me...

....nourishes me.

Or, something like that.

I'm a real stickler when it comes to balance. I value my personal time. I want to see my family and friends, spend time with my dog, and get some "me" time on the calendar. If these things don't happen, I get nutty.

I've managed to roll with the crazy this week, and while I am pretty exhausted today I don't feel terrible. I might go so far as to say I feel more alive?

I really enjoy my job. Getting to work closely, daily, with some of the best and brightest medical minds in the country is a blessing. It's something I enjoyed back at BJC, and due to my new role as program manager here at AH I am on the forefront of patient safety initatives, therapeutic taskforces and resource integration. There is so much that goes into health care management and physician support, and I'm thankful to be a part of it.

The longer hours, travel, and non-stop workload are part of the package, and I welcome it all. However, the downside is it makes my schedule all wonky which can thwart my attempts at balance IF I DON'T PLAN.

Which brings to mind this quote: No one plans to fail - they fail to plan.

In a discussion with my coach last night, the great Jeremy Koerber, the topic of sleep came up. Ah, sleep. Not an easy thing for me. He said that the more I get, the better my muscles will recover, the more it will help me with reaching my goal weight, etc. I get that. And I want that.

I have no problem working out late at night. In fact, this helps me to sleep better. For most people I know it wakes them up. If I train in the morning, it wakes me up. If I train at night, it helps me sleep better. Kind of a win, win.

I just need to be steadfast about creating a schedule and sticking with it.

That is my goal this weekend. Get the schedule down for the next few months.

Oh, and sleep. :-)

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