...these are a few of my favorite things:
1. Weekends at my favorite cabin with favorite people. Or alone. Nature is my salvation.
2. Paddling. River or lake, it makes no difference. The feeling is incredible.
3. Grilled cheese sandwiches on white Bunny Bread.
4. Conversations with new and old friends that are filled with depth, humor and surprises. Over coffee or tea, even better.
5. My dog, who has the best personality of anyone I've ever known.
6. Books. Real books you can hold that have pages you can fold over for reading later.
7. Clever writing, expert delivery and nuanced performances. See "Girls" and any Lars Von Trier or Wes Anderson film.
8. Anders Danielsen Lie. The world is a better place with him in it.
9. Music. Preferably live. Preferably punk, rock, folk or rockabilly.
10. My Felt, Fuji and Trek.
11. Holding hands at the movies.
12. Early morning rides, late night runs.
13. Marshmallows roasted over a campfire. No chocolate or graham crackers needed. The simplicity of getting the right amount of toastiness, peeling it off and starting over is beyond soothing.
14. Opaque tights.
15. Trips to NYC and Seattle.
16. The smell of rain-soaked sidewalks and leaves, powdery baby necks, lilac bushes, and pot roast with fresh rolls.
17. Finding art that I can't stop looking at, haggling down the price, getting it framed, then hanging it in just the right place.
18. Crocheting my own hats with soft, pretty yarn.
19. A good make-out session. The longer the better. Clothes on. Music in the background. Sometimes the promise of something more is better than getting the goods.
20. The art of creating a good mixed tape.
21. Horror movies. Bad or good. Fun times.
22. A day at the zoo.
23. Spontaneous daytripping. Preferably within 120 miles from home for a timely return.
24. Finding a great old movie on the telly late at night and staying up to finish it.
25. Peeling hand-picked apples lovingly by hand and making a pie with homemade crust. Then cutting a piece, still warm, and eating it with a scoop of vanilla bean ice cream.
26. Shopping at or receving gifts/cards from Sephora, Plowsharing, Dicks Sporting Goods, Alpine Shop, REI or Craft Alliance.
27. Pizza. Deweys goat cheese, sausage & kalamata olive, Happy Joes Taco Joe no tomatoes, or Triple A's sausage.
28. Wearing jeans at work.
29. Training for sprint triathlons.
30. Sleeping in at least once a month. Any more than that and I would get addicted. It's happened, and it ain't pretty.
31. Billy Bragg, Jack White, Damien Rice, Lou Reed, Beastie Boys, old Indigo Girls, and Sezen Aksu.
32. Soft, semi-fitted sweaters in earthy colors.
34. Cinnamon or sweet mint gum.
35. Picnics in the fall.
36. Local festivals.
37. Growing my hair out and rediscovering the joy of hot rollers.
38. Seeing the Rocky Mountains in the distance. This makes me feel alive, happy and at home.
39. Falling in love.
40. Finding surprise notes in places like my book bag, bathroom mirror or my car telling me to have a good day or that I'm loved.
41. Chai tea latte. Meshuggah's or Mokabe's makes the best.
42. Dinner at Mangia, Shaved Duck, Bridge, King & I or Bottleworks.
43. Board games.
44. Professional massages.
45. When someone scratches my back or brushes my hair. Heaven.
46. The sound crunchy leaves make when walking through them.
47. Going to the pumpkin patch, picking out the best one, then scooping out the goop, roasting the seeds and carving up a good face for placement on the front porch.
48. Sushi. Crunch, Vegas and Snow rolls at Kampai are my fave.
49. Cool-weather hiking.
50. Pajama Sundays.
51. Breakfast for dinner. Sparingly, because it's gotta remain a rare treat or else it gets old.
52. Good hugs. Those arm-wrapped, hand-rubbing, meaningful ones.
53. Sheets warm and fresh from the dryer on a snowy day.
54. Spending time with my crazy, fun, loud, much-of-the-time innapropriate family. We swear a lot, and sometimes act like 10-year olds on a sugar high.
55. Sunsets that conjure up shades of pink, purple and burnt sienna.
56. Wearing socks. Another reason I dislike summer.
57. Flying to another city. The excitement to get to your destination, purchasing a crossword puzzle book and cheapy celebrity magazine, people watching, walking through an unfamiliar airport. It's rockstar.
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