Sunday, July 29, 2012

Lewis & Clark'n it...

I've been spending more time on area rivers to test my mettle. I'm fine kayaking on a lake, but depending on the current, some rivers are a little fast for me.

There's a race I'm thinking of doing, which takes place on the Missouri River. One of the items on my dirt nap list is to kayak on the Missouri, but would rather do so with a large group of experienced paddlers, during a sanctioned race. Safety is key here, due to the dangers this rivers is famous for - large, floating logs...super fast current, especially during high water, around the pilings and wing dikes....and barge traffic, which can capsize or pull a boat under.

Thankfully, the water level is very low due to the drought the country is experiencing, which decreases the chances for overly fast currents. However, the danger is still there.

The biggest river I've been on is the Illinois, and while I was with very experienced kaykers, it was still a little overwhelming.

I've got a few weeks before I need to register for the race, so I'm giving this a lot of thought. I really don't care about checking something off my list, but it would be such a great accomplishment to say I kayaked solo, 20 miles, down the longest river in North America, like Lewis & Clark did....word.

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