Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Dodging Metaphorical Bullets

I've managed to avoid the following things in my life, and I feel damn lucky for it:

1. 50 Shades of Gray. I'd rather nap. And have.

2. Cats. I have a severe allergy. Dogs are my pet of choice. Neat how some things work out for the best.

3. Eating live crawfish. I may live in MO, but I do not hail from MO, so this is easier to avoid were I a native.

4. Being carjacked/mugged. Difficult to do in STL. 

5. The non-important parts of Canada. I believe I've seen the best bits.

6. Jellyfish. Spent some time on the West Coast, in the ocean. They live there.

7. The movie Avatar. This means I have 161 minutes more than 25.7 million people had before they watched it. HA!

8. Marrying the wrong man. (I did marry the right one, at the wrong time...)
9. An obsession with Scandanavian modern furniture.

10. Broken bones. I've had many sprains, but no breaks. Surprising, considering how uncoordinated and adventurous I am. Never a good combo.

11. Buffalo stampede. I grew up in ND, and we had a few field trips to national parks where buffalo roam, so yeah, the opportunity was there.
12. Scientology. No explanation needed.

13. Spam. I'm a Vienna Sausage kinda gal.

14. Hearing an entire Rush song. Bleeding ears, bleeding ears...

15. Losing at indian leg wrestling more than winning. It's a common pasttime when you're snowed in. Lots of practice.

16. Being serenaded with Christmas carols by a talented Jewish accordion player posing as my boyfriend. Wait, that did happen....shoooooot.

17. Being last chair flute in band. I was always in the top two...with the exception of 7th grade. The year from hell. The photo above is me in 7th grade. 99 problems and band was one of 'em.

18. A girl fight my junior year of high school. I won first chair piccolo, and the bruiser who lost and was now second chair said she'd get me after school. The prestige of first chair always comes with danger....

19. Being sprayed by a skunk. Having been to camp and living on the prairie gets you very close to this.

20. Total heartbreak. Some close calls, but I'm still alive, don't hate men and believe in love, so I'm pretty sure the best is yet to come.

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