Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Defining your vision




Which way do you lean?

I've crossed "pessimist" off my list, as I've never really been one. Oh sure, certain situations that to me seemed impossible were written off early, so if that's pessimism I've guilty. But overall, I don't take that view.

As recent as a few years ago, I was almost a complete optimist. That is to say, I lived in the land of make-believe that I could control the uncontrollable, and things would work out. Not for the best, but work out the way I had them set up to in my head.

Glad that's over.

I have fallen into the comfort - I use that word carefully, because it is truly comforting - of looking at a situation for what it is, not what it could be. My pragmatic approach to breaking down what I'm learning or living is, for me, what feels right.

I look for the silver lining  - which is a good movie, and an even better concept.  I seek the good that can come, and I have hope, but don't pin it too high...it's at eye level. It's good to hope for things, but it's also good to accept that if those heights aren't reached, you can be satisfied, even happy, with the outcome.

Looking at life realistically takes a giant load off. You know that load...worrying about what might be. Embracing what "is" can be so freeing. It really can.

So when I ask myself, "Is it possible for me to run two miles, five miles, seven miles?" my answer is, "Yes, it is." I do it. Can I run 13.1 miles? That's my goal. If I walk some of it, so be it. But I will travel 13.1 miles by foot and willpower on April 7th, hopefully (boom...and there's the optimism!) upright the entire way.

All that said, you may have already guessed that I fall into the category of optimistic realist. I'm happier when I can come to terms with the unknown, and make the changes I have control of to better my life.

Is that playing it safe? No, I don't think so. Is being a realist better than being an optimist? Who am I to say? I don't think it's a question of what's "better" - it's a question of what works for you, and what makes sense for your life.

On the flip side, when it comes to romance I'm a realistic optimist. And much like the image, you'll never hear me say I love you with all my heart....because the heart an organ. But, I will say I love you with all that I am.


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