Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Cricket conspiracy...

Tonight's run was fraught with....hilarity.

I drafted for about a half mile behind my neighbor, who was pushing his kid in a jogging stroller. I ended up increasing my pace just a bit in order to keep up. That I enjoyed.

After he went his separate way, I dodged loose gravel, small and large piles, at the end of the subdivision that's undergoing major buildout. Couldn't really get in a groove, and it felt more like a trail run than road. Still fun.

Once I turned down my mom's street, which has more empty lots than houses, I swear I had to dodge random crickets who were not hopping to the left or right to get out of my way, but rather just ahead of where my feet were going. This happened with three crickets, one right after another. It was like a conspiracy to throw me off - the cricket community launched a full-scale attack on my pace. I managed to keep moving, in a straight line, and didn't smush a one. Yay me. Lucky crickets.

On my way back home, my right foot started to go numb. Ha! I was wearing newer shoes, so this was my fault. I didn't want to stop and relace, so I pushed through the ever-growing deadening of my foot. Weird feeling, but it didn't stop me from pushing on.

And finally, when I rounded the corner and started down the long drag down the lake towards the fountain by my house, a four-seater pedal kart with headlights passed me on my left with four people chatting away. I've seen this before, as well as golf carts and those odd-looking elliptical cycle.

I made it home, pace was 11:13. Not too bad. I'm happy with that.

Taking the mountain bike out tomorrow after work for a group ride. Glad my new cold weather cycling gear was delivered today (jacket, tights, shoe covers and baclava) 'cause it's gonna be on the chilly side tomorrow (low 50's).

Hot shower is calling. Gonna go answer it.

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