Thursday, March 3, 2011

Can I Has Sum Peanut Butta?

This personal trainer thing is a little like having my own Jambi - you know, the genie from Pee Wee's Playhouse? meka leka hi, meka hiney ho.

When I left my training session Monday, he said to text him with questions, day or night. I didn't think I'd have any. I was sorely wrong.

Although he wrote out a list of foods I should eat, I've had questions about foods that AREN'T on the list.

Like peanut butter. My friend got a trainer a few months ago, and has made significant progress. I checked out her eating regime, and she's got peanut butter on there a couple times a day.

So, on Tuesday night I got out a spoon & dipped it in the Peter Pan I keep on hand to help Oliver choke down any medications. OMG, it smelled so unbelievably delish. And yes, I know I'd only been doing the diet for a day, but my willpower was breaking down.

Until this happened...

Before I downed any, I immediately thought to text Kelly. And this is how our convo went...

Me: "Can I have a spoonful of peanut butter?"

Kelly: "F no!"

Me: "LOL you're awesome!"

I love that he yells at me via text, with expletives no less. :-)

My question for him today was this...

Me: "Can I have a pickle?" (I'm seriously craving pickles)

Kelly: "Lotta sodium!"

Me: "K, I'll skip it."

Each time I text him, I get an answer back within 10 minutes. How cool is that??

Gotta say, I'm loving this training. Can't wait to see what's in store for me tomorrow at 5:00 am. Guessing I won't be able to lift my arms the rest of the weekend, which might interfere with my spinning class with Kelly on Friday night.

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