Monday, March 14, 2011


So being a Gemini is no easy feat.

There are usually two directions (at the very least) I'm feeling pulled in, and vascillate between them far too long and sometimes miss out on opportunities.

I have a very conservative side when it comes to certain aspects of my life - relationships would be one of them. Other areas, I'm extremely liberal and spontaneous.

On weekends, I'm more than happy to settle in with a good book or movie, cuddle up on the couch, sleep in and laze about with NPR or chill music in the background as I work on chores or homework. On the other hand, I love seeing bands, meeting up with friends for drinks and chatter, or dining out at my favorite haunts. It just depends on my mood, or perhaps what I can be talked into.

I would say, and I think my close friends would agree, I'm much better off being asked to do things last minute than days or weeks ahead. I tend to feel tied down if I have to commit ahead of time. Call me up the day of, and I'm usually game and will show up.

I do the same thing to myself, however. I tend to make plans, invite people, and then when the time comes all I want to do is the exact opposite, because of the commitment part.

It's a constant struggle. And one I may never conquer. Such is life - at least it's interesting.

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