Friday, March 25, 2011

I'm a fan of beer in a can

And I'll tell you why.

But first, a recap of last nights mild, neighborhood shenanigans.

Met up with an old friend from college for some Thai. You know when you hear someone's voice after 18 years, in person, and it takes you back to the Skinny Boys room, watching "Harold and Maude" for the first time? Good times. It was nice to catch up.

I have to say, I admired that he ordered "hot" as the temp of his dish, AND THEN proceeded to ADD hot sauce. Since I go the "mild" route and gingerly tap out bits of heat throughout the meal, careful not to singe my innards, he earned my spice respect.

We ditched the idea of seeing a band in lieu of staying local and keeping the conversation going.

We ended the night at Tin Can, and now I can tell you why I love beer in a can.

The first reason is, it's cheap. As cheap as it gets. PBR for $1. Yup. Mama like.

Second, a cold can of beer feels good in the hand. Kinda solid, but also crushable. Like one's spirit, or dreams.

Third, it takes me back to high school, when we'd drink Stylees out in a frozen field, 10 miles from our tiny town, mittens on, as close to the bonfire as we could get, grasping on to that slippery can tight as we pounded the watered-down brew.

Fourth, and final reason, I like the taste of beer in a can. Sometimes. There is a distinct flavor that comes from alcohol housed in aluminum. Fresh and dirty, all at the same time.

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