Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Yup, I've coined a new phrase.


I was reallllly tired yesterday, and was in bed by 9:00, grandma-style. I woke up at 1:30, my head full of random thoughts, specific thoughts. I swear, about 4 plausible real-life movies starring moi played out in my wide-awake noggin between the hours of 1:30 - 4:00.


Never mind that I had to get up at 5:30 to meet with my trainer at 6:00.

So as I lay awake, running through every trick in the book to try and calm my overactive brain, I finally decided that perhaps I should let it run it's course and see wassup.

It wasn't pretty.

But what was even less pretty was the dream I had after I finally did get to sleep, whatever time that was (I opted to stop looking at the clock after 4:00). My weirdassdream (second new word) included:

1. Co-ed, open-air bathrooms

2. An insane asylum that I was trying to escape from

3. A very sweet yet weird pseudo-boyfriend that kept clearing the table and asking random questions like, "Why is pi not a whole number?" and "Can we go to the casino later?"

4. The old gym at Hagen Jr. High School (grody)

5. Being chased by two very strange looking, scientific-types in lab coats (see #2)

I feel pretty awake now, in part due to the ass-whuppin' I got from Kelly the trainer this morning.

I wish I had the option to push "record" when these dreams happen. I believe I'd give Tim Burton and Quentin Tarantino a run for their money.

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