So as I delve into learning about my new love, BASEBALL, I am also trying to balance learning about my new second love, GOLF.
Yes, I have entered into sport polygamy. I have Big Love for both.
So, I'm reading up on an article by Joe Sidwell on and I am a little lost by some of the terminology:
Water wedge - I assume this is a club that helps to get a ball away from the water, like if it's parked in the mud by a pond? To me, it sounds like a special kind of fresh lettuce that is used at ritzy restaurants...
Adjustable Sole Plate - again, assuming this has something to do with the bottom of the club, as in the 'sole' of a shoe? Again, it seems more like a special fish dish that you can either order more or less of.
Neutral ball flight - this doesn't make any sense to me. Does a ball have a choice as to where it flies? Can it abstain like Switzerland and be neutral and hang out, suspended-animation style?
Now that my original "arranged marriage" of baseball has a new mate added to the fold, I will need to balance getting to know each equally, giving them ample face-time to keep the love alive.
This is fun!
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