Monday, November 19, 2012

What thousands of steps afford...

With races officially on the calendar for 2013 and training starting up in a week, I was asked by a few people what made me decide to take on the challenges and what my goals are.

In no particular order, the reasons why:

1. I can. Physically and mentally. There is no question - it's happening. I just need to train.
2. I want to meet make new friends who enjoy doing the same thing. I did that this summer with kayaking and it was a blast.
3. I'm interested in seeing how far I can push myself, safely, when it comes to endurance. Not in this for speed, but to finish standing up and smiling and looking forward to the next race.
4. I might want a new sticker on my car with a large number on it. That would make me feel good to see.
5. It's a solid way to let go of stinky ol' 2012 and slide into the new year with strength, mental fortitude and happiness.


1. Get ripped. I want to look good, on and off the course.
2. Lose weight - no brainer.
3. See how far my hypnotherapy certification can take me in my training so that I can eventually help others in the same way.
4. Become a viable member of the racing community, whether it's through volunteering, chairing, or partnering with a newbie so I can say "been there, done that, and you can too."
5. I've been holding onto a pair of jeans from 1986. Size 3. Getting there will be fun, and if it doesn't happen I can say I tried.

I'm really looking forward to the challenges, the training, the people, and learning everything I can. I've been inspired by so many people I know, and the encouragement I've received has made my decisions very easy ones to make.

Feels good.

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