Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Sniff, sneeze, snort

I am miserable.

While I'm lovin' this less-than-Hades weather, the mold count is uber high, which brings on my allergies.

I am making enough snot to probably fill my tub, and then some.

My face is puffy, my eyes itch, burn and tear, and my nose is stuffed and drippy.

Oh, and the sneezing. Beyond spectacular. I've counted 31 so far today, and I'm pretty sure more are on the way. A few happened while driving down 170, which makes for a dodgy game of highway chicken.

I'm a hot mess, with emphasis on mess.

It's the worst in the morning, which makes swimming/biking/running oh so pleasurable.

Bring back the hot temps. I'll gladly trade some heat for a snot-free head.

On a lighter note, here's a funny story....

Whenever I have to do something in the bathroom, whether it's brush my teeth, use the twallet or take a shower, my dog follows me in there. He may bring a toy for me to throw, or he may sit down, in which case I know he wants to chat about his day, so we proceed accordingly.

Tonight, I was in the bathroom looking for allergy medicine (for the 26th time, alas, none has magically appeared as of yet....ahem) and he wanders in and gives me this look.

I know this look well, because it is accompanied with a trembling lower lip/jaw. It's the sweetest, most pitiful thing to behold, I swear.

It's his "Mama, my tummy is upset and I think I might hork" look.

So I reach down to pet him, and he starts in with the "whoooaamp" sound which eminates from deep within his tummy, and courses through the entire length of his body.

It always reminds me of some sci-fi movie in which a woodland creature starts to turn into an alien being...it must feel like complete hell.

So he proceeds to make the "whoooaamp" sound about 10 times, and then, gush. Yellow puddle of liquid on the bathroom floor, with two perfectly formed blades of grass.

Cracked me up. It was almost like modern art - Jackson Pollock couldn't have done any better.

Usually it's one hork, then he grabs some water and begs for a treat.

Not this time. I was mopping up the small puddle of goo when "whoooaamp" started up again. Nine more of these and puddle #2 appears, sans grass.

Poor little fella. Not sure what got into him, but he was hurtin.

Of course, after the treat he's right as rain.

In the past, I've heard the "whoooaamp" sound from across the room, in which case I run at light speed to pick his furry ass up and place him over a non-carpeted/upholstered area for quick and easy clean up. He has since learned to high-tail it for tile when he starts getting sick.  He's smart that way.

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